Training & Consulting
All training courses and consultations are provided at the customer site.
In partnership with training partners GTS & PyroConsulting.
Review and understand the AMS2750 specifications and requirements for pyrometry in aerospace heat treatment. Topics include sensor accuracy tests, furnace and instrument calibration, temperature uniformity surveys, reporting requirements, and strategies for maintaining compliance and annual audit preparation.
CQI-9 Training
(based on supplier needs)
Having trouble applying the requirements of CQI-9 to your specific equipment or processes? This course brings the focus of CQI-9 to your specific needs. This CQI-9 course not only covers the pyrometric control side of CQI-9 but also ALL the other requirements of CQI-9 that fall outside of pyrometry.
Internal Auditor Training
(AS9100 or ISO9001)
Training internal auditors is crucial to the success of the “Plan, Do, Check, Act” process, and a requirement of ISO9001:2015 and AS9100D. The internal auditors need the tools to be proficient at answering three vital questions. One: What were you asked to do by the customer? This means reviewing requests for quote, purchase orders, contract review, and more. Two: What did you flow down to the plant? This question is answered by reviewing procedures, work instructions, data cards/routers/travelers, etc. Three: What was actually done? Finally, the actual activities must be reviewed to ensure that what was done meets both the internal requirements and the requirements flowed down by the customer. This two-day course will provide the path to a successful internal audit program
Customized Pyrometry
(based on supplier needs)
Having trouble applying the requirements of AMS2750 to your specific equipment or processes? This course brings the focus of AMS2750 to your specific needs. AMS2750 has to be broad to cover pyrometric control for all aerospace processors, and users must be able to correctly interpret and apply the requirements of AMS2750.
Advanced Pyrometry
A public course for those who have already been exposed to the requirements of AMS2750 and want to stop chasing after the specification and lead from the front by not just being aware of the requirements, but fully understanding them. In this two-day training course you will learn the “Why” and the “How” of the requirements not just “What” the requirements are. There will be hands-on live instruction on thermocouples, instrument calibrations, system accuracy testing, and temperature uniformity surveys using onsite equipment and industry examples. Perform hands-on “example” auditing of pyrometry calibration and testing procedures, certificates, and reports.
Internal Audits (AS9100 or ISO9001)
Quality management system audits can be a daunting task and many times fall onto an already full plate of the quality department. Often members of quality cannot perform internal audits with the necessary unbiases needed to be objective. This problem is solved by utilizing a consultant auditor to give you an unfiltered perspective on your quality management system.
Nadcap Audit Prep & Review
Are you ready for your Nadcap audit? Do you need an objective internal auditor to perform your Nadcap Pre-audit? These consults will give you the peace of mind that your systems are functioning the way they are intended.